Saw one of these fella's recently at a troubled condo project in bNOVA/b. He still had the car and the shiny suit, but he looked worried when I asked him how business was going. He'd have been much more worried if he had known how badly I ... all mentioned bvacations/b and boat buying as if that was the proper use of home equity. Does this banker ever look at his own marketing material? I hate this kind of after the fact lecture from the very same greedy assholes who won't take ...
Najnowszy Batman, to przede wszystkim nowa jakość wizerunku tej postaci. Mroczny, agresywny, nie stawiający się na wezwania, waleczny indywidualista, z którym ciężko jest się porozumieć. Ta mieszanka daje pozytywne efekty. ...